

"He understood this: that associations make man stronger and complement single person's best points, and give the pleasure that one seldom has by staying on his own, to see how many people are honest and good and able and for whom it is worth wanting only good things".

Calvino, 1960, "The Baron in the Trees"


Our Association purposes are:

  • valorization and promotion of cultural heritage in local and national field;
  • valorization and promotion of Spoleto's public and private cultural heritage;
  • the promotion of enterprises which improve the look and the viability of the historical centre and of the whole town in observance of the existing laws, in collaboration with local and national Authorities and private and public Bodies;
  • the management of actions of promotion, of image and the ideation of publications, books, catalogues, and so on;
  • the diffusion, in this Internet site, of culture and of the cultural good; books, articles, studies, historical searches, historical documents. Created by members' ideas;
  • the organization of artistical and cultural happenings such as meetings, exhibitions, reviews, conferences, and so on;
  • presentations of projects relating to actions to undertake on the territory;
  • to achieve the corporate purpose our Association may carry out marketing operations and the search of sponsors at national and international level.